karma 124
4 min readApr 23, 2021

Mi historia comienza en el año 2016 en ese año estabamos mis primos y mi familia en una finca estabamos normal en familia jugando charlando y de un momento a otro se fue la luz y despues cuando volvi a mirar con mi linterna mi familia no estaba ni mis primos en ese momento no sabia que pasaba entonces sali a buscarlos pero no los encontraba de ni habia nadie en las calles dentro de mi dije ´Que paso con todas las personas ´.Pero bueno no sabia que pasaba cuando de un momento a otro escuche un sonido irritante cuando escuche eso me temblaba los dientes y fui a buscar que era eso y cuando vi retocedi por que encontre algo fue feo como algo amorfo no sabia que era entonces empece a correr en silencio cuando ya no estaba cerca de esa cosa mire a ver si encontraba a alguien pero nada me di cuenta que estaba solo en mi ciudad,despues algo me hablo al oido y si era un demonio que me hablaba muchas cosas yo empeze a buscar mas cosas y el me empezo a hablar de sus amigos osea demonios pero igual no le daba atencion pense que estaba en un sueño o estaba delirando pero no me di cuenta que no era verdad llegue a tal el caso de mi locura que me corte mi oreja para no escucharlo por que me estresaba despues me di cuenta que no era el unico en la tierra ni en mi ciudad me encontre a alguien una chica muy linda hablamos y todo y fuimos juntos hacia otra parte el demonio de mi cabeza me decia que la matara por que no era buena pero igual no le hice caso cuando menos pense ella me intento matar pero tal era mi rabia que mi demonio salio dentro de mi y me ayudo a matarla despues empece a matar a cosas que me encontraba y despues cuando se me acabo mi poder me intentaron matar pero no pudieron era muy poderoso cuando me canse de vivir me suicide y pumm me desperte de ese mal sueño me di cuenta de que todo era un sueño y en mi mente pense sera que estaremos en una simulacion todo lo que e vivido era una ilucion y me maneja el gobierno y cuando menos pense me dormi y no volvi a saber nada de mi *El mejor sentimiento de no sentir nada por nadie* imagen para no ser ignorado ;3 Mi historia en ingles; My story begins in 2016 in that year we were my cousins ​​and my family in a farm we were normal as a family playing chatting and from one moment to another the power went out and then when I looked again with my flashlight my family was not even my cousins ​​at that time I did not know what was happening so I went out to look for them but they are not there nor was there anyone on the streets inside of me I said ´What happened to all the people ´ But well I did not know what happened when from one moment to another I heard a an irritating sound when I heard that I was shaking my teeth and I went to find what that was and when I saw it retreated because I found something it was ugly like something amorphous I did not know what it was then I started to run in silence when I was no longer near that thing, look to see If it was someone but nothing I realized that I was alone in my city, then something spoke to my ear and if it was a demon that spoke many things to me I started looking for more things and he began to talk about his friends I mean demons but even he did not give Attention I thought I was in a dream or was delirious but I did not realize that it was not true, I reached such a case of my madness that I cut my ear so as not to listen to it because I was stressed later I realized that I was not the only one in the Not even in my city did I find someone a very pretty girl we talked and everything and we went together to another part the demon in my head told me to kill her because she was not good but I still do not pay her at least I thought she tried to kill me but Such was my rage that my demon came out inside me and helped me kill her then I started killing things that found me and then when my power ran out they tried to kill me but they couldn’t be very powerful when I got tired of living I committed suicide and Pumm I woke up from that bad dream I realized that it was all a dream and in my mind I thought it would be that we will be in a simulation everything that I experienced was an illusion and the government manages me and at least I thought I fell asleep and did not return to know nothing about me * The best feeling of not feeling anything for anyone * image so as not to be ignored; 3
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karma 124
karma 124

Written by karma 124


Historias de mis sueños

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